NorthWest Power Pool — Nick Boxwell

NorthWest Power Pool

About two months ago I ended my first long term contacting gig working on the multimedia team at North West Power Pool (NWPP). The project is a series of continuing-ed videos and a complimentary website for the electric power industry. It was great working a large scale project and making new friends who are into all the same things I am into. It's difficult being a freelancer and having to work at home alone all of the time. 

I think we managed to get some good work done as a team. I really pushed myself with motion graphics both conceptually and technically. I do feel like I cheated by using Motion 5 because I do know that most of the rest of industry is using After Effects, but in the end almost everything we needed to do was accomplished perfectly fine in Motion.

Please enjoy this little reel of some of my best "Motions" from my 5 months at NWPP. 
